Healthy as F*ck: The Habits You Need to Get Lean, Stay Healthy, and Kick Ass at Life
by Oonagh DuncanHealthy as F*ck is a straightforward guide to sustainable healthy habits to help you lose weight, get fit, and be in shape. Doing the actions in this book will help you feel good about your body and consistently achieve your fitness goals without the clutter of another fad diet.
The True Health Trade-Offs
“The problem arises when pleasure comes at the cost of happiness.”
Because one-third of Americans are overweight, it’s no surprise that many people strive to lose or maintain a healthy weight, eat better, live a happier life, or simply eat more vegetables. Whatever your fitness goals are, it’s crucial to be realistic. Before you aim to look as skinny as a swimsuit model or have abs, you must first consider the tradeoffs.
Perhaps having huge muscles or being a pro athlete isn’t something you’re willing to work for. Some people just want a baseline of health or to be able to keep up with their grandchildren. This is the core reason why so many people fail: they set their expectations too high for something they don’t have the time, commitment, and even care for.
The more athletic and toned you want to be, the more work is needed. So, are you really willing to do the work?
Actions to take
Upgrade Your Diet
“Oh? But you don’t like vegetables? Do you like energy, a hot bod, and living a long time? Then I suggest you get into vegetables.”
Vegetables are high in nutrients, provide us energy, and are essential for our bodies. They also provide fiber and are not calorie-dense, which helps us feel fuller for longer. The minimum daily amount for eating vegetables is between four to five servings.
Instead of following a new and often strict diet such as Keto, Atkins, Beachbody, low fat, etc.— it’s best just to fill half your regular plate with vegetables. You also don’t have to worry about your protein intake. In Canada and America, citizens are eating twice the daily recommended amounts! The more you include vegetables in your meal, the healthier you’ll become.
Actions to take
Fix your sleep cycle
“It’s not exactly breaking news that you are totally screwed without a good sleep.”
Despite access to beds, many people don’t get the amount of sleep they need. Without a good night's sleep, the body becomes stressed out and produces more cortisol, a stress hormone that is not good in large doses. It is best known for producing a “flight or fight” response in crises, which is beneficial in fleeing from a dangerous situation such as a bear chasing you or experiencing famine.
Large doses of cortisol aren’t necessary for everyday occurrences that can put the body in overdrive. Lack of sleep is one example of how this system can become overwhelmed. The stress puts the body in a lockdown mode. This suppresses the immune system, slows metabolism, and nudges you to overeat due to physical exhaustion.
When sleepy, your body seeks quick energy from foods high in sugar, salt, and fat—those that don’t support your waistline. Sleep deprivation can also cause mental impairment similar to being drunk, interfering with your recovery and the gains you made that day. Sleep is indeed essential for health.
Actions to take
The Importance of Self-Talk
“Self-punishing thoughts will lead to self-punishing behaviors.”
Contrary to popular belief, negative self-talk does not promote or lead to a healthier lifestyle. We’ve all heard it before, and we’ve probably said, too: “I’m too out of shape.” “I’m too fat.” “I can’t.” “I won’t.” “I’m too old.” “I don’t have enough time.” “I don’t have any money.” “I suck at this!”
The list goes on and on, and we keep hearing the same old excuses year after year. The problem with these thoughts is that they become a self-fulfilling prophecy. They make us give up when we’re halfway there or before we even begin. While those kinds of critical thoughts may seem to motivate us, it’s actually the opposite: negative thoughts don’t help you continue your healthy habits as much as positive, encouraging self-talk does.
Actions to take
Eat Less and Portion Your Meals Correctly
“The fact is that if you have any of these unconscious habits of overeating, no matter how healthy the food is, it will lead to excess body fat.”
It’s common for exercise to be the central focus for losing weight or getting fit. Although exercise is beneficial and can boost your metabolism, it is not the only solution. The actual big shift will come from your diet intake.
America has an abundance of food as well as an excess of food consumption. Many Americans consume far more than they need to and lead sedentary lives, exacerbating the problem.
Burning calories is one popular way to lose weight or get fit. However, it takes a lot of energy to burn minor amounts of calories. Consider eating a medium portion of fries. An average person would need two hours to burn those calories on an elliptical. What is truly important is to eat less, which is less time-consuming and strenuous than attempting to burn off an excess number of calories.
Actions to take
Prep and Plan in Advance
“We don’t need more time—we need better habits.”
Despite having 24 hours a day, the most common excuse for people to get healthy and in shape is “I don’t have time.”
After a long day of work, it’s easy to go to the default of fast food or frozen meals like pizza. This is where meal preparation comes into play. Meal prep is simply cooking ahead of time for the week so that you're ready when hunger strikes. It can be simple or complicated, depending on how much time you have and what you like to eat.
If you're short on time, plan your meals for the week and cook multiple meals at once, so you always have ready-to-eat meals at hand. Simple foods that can be combined to make a full meal include: roasted veggies, quinoa, hummus, and veggies, a salad bar with homemade dressing, prepped protein (such as lentils), and power balls.
Actions to take
Make Workouts Part of Your Routine
“There will always be more important things to do if you don’t put this first.”
Exercise is one important part of a healthy lifestyle. But this doesn’t mean going to the gym twice in one month. You need a regular schedule, just as we need for sleep, work, and meals.
You may not realize it, but exercise doesn’t have to be grueling or torturous. There are tons of different workouts and sports to keep you moving; the important part is finding the one you find the most fun because that is the one you will stick with. It’s pointless to sign up for Bootcamp if you hate it and never show up again.
Some of the benefits of regular exercise include increased metabolism, muscle gain, feeling good, and so on. It also starts a chain reaction to all your healthy habits – when you work out, you’re likely to sleep and eat better, less likely to become sick, and have a better sex life.
Actions to take
Don’t just read. Act.