Use gestures correctly


  1. Go with the flow.
    The best public speakers rarely know in advance what gestures they’re going to make. It’s all a matter of impulse and intelligent feeling. So, avoid planning ahead for what gestures to make during your speech. Just go with how you feel while speaking.

  2. Avoid monotony.
    No matter how effective a gesture is, try not to use it all the time. Be open to a variety of gestures in describing one idea.

  3. Avoid short, jerky movements.
    Put a little ‘punch’ and life into your gestures. Let your movements be easy and from the shoulder, rather than the elbow.

  4. Use facial expressions.
    Let them be sincere. Paying attention to the words you’re saying and how you sincerely feel about them will help.

  5. Change postures.
    Any big change of thought necessitates a change of posture. Be at home. There are no rules here, it’s all a matter of taste.


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