Stay connected with the intention


  1. Practice Japa meditation.
    Japa meditation is meditating on the sound of the names of God while you focus on what you intend to manifest, allowing God’s creative energy to flow in and through your imagination to manifest your desires. Wayne Dyer has a small book and CD called Getting in the Gap: Making Conscious Contact with God Through Meditation that will guide you through Japa meditation.
  2. Keep your intention ever present in your mind.
    Have a vivid picture in your imagination of the end state you intend to create and keep your mind focused on this picture as much as possible throughout the day. If you set your intention on something, be unwavering in the resolve to see it manifest.
  3. Embody the seven faces of intention.
    It is essential to reflect upon and embody the seven faces of intention continually. Write them down on cards you carry with you, or put them on a daily reminder on your phone. Practice them in your everyday life, not only in your behavior but also in how you view the world. Keep especially the truth of abundance in mind, and keep yourself in a state of gratitude versus a state of want.
  4. Recognize and shift all low energy frequencies.
    Continually monitor your energy level for whether you vibrate at a high or low frequency. Monitor your inner dialogue for thought patterns that contribute to low energy. Guard what inputs are coming into your body and mind from food, the environment around you, other people, and the content you enjoy. Always seek to shift from low-energy thoughts, behaviors, and environments to higher energy so you can stay aligned with intention.


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