Navigate office politics successfully


  1. Think ahead.
    Always anticipate what management and your colleagues around you might be thinking or which direction the organization and market may be going.
  2. Be mindful of how others perceive your actions.
    Avoid imposing your beliefs, passions, and convictions on those around you. It might begin to stir up a revolt in them. Instead, consider that others have theirs too, and be willing to meet in the middle when necessary.
  3. Always seek win-win solutions.
    People typically resist change when they feel they’ve had no input in the decisions. So, be inclusive in your decision-making. Inquire how people feel or think about certain decisions and incorporate their input in the resulting changes.
  4. Never eat alone.
    Always connect with people. Isolating yourself from your colleagues makes it very easy for them to take collective action against you.


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