Make your life more productive and meaningful


  1. Achieve a visceral awareness of death.
    Meditate on death. Vividly imagine the day you die, where you might be or what you might be doing.

  2. Treat your remaining time on earth like a project deadline.
    Work on your goals, relationships, and life purpose while you still can.

  3. See everyone’s mortality.
    Think of the billions who’ve lived before you, and realize that most people on the streets won’t be around in another 80 years.

  4. Accept that everything occurs for a reason, and every adversity is a chance for growth and enlightenment.
    Once you embrace the inevitability of death, it’ll be easier to embrace all other pain and adversity.

  5. Open your mind to the Sublime, i.e. things that are too big or vast for us to grasp.
    Our daily problems seem trivial when compared to the infinity of space and time. Our pride seems silly against the vastness of nature.

  6. Be fully aware of your mortality to free yourself from petty concerns and fears, focus fully on your life’s work, and boldly explore possibilities in life.


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