Keep an open mindset when hearing ‘no’ from a customer


  1. Create a list of engaging questions you would potentially ask your customers and your possible response if they said “no” to you.
    Be prepared! Gain information by industry, as what works for one prospect or customer will likely work for another in the same industry.

  2. Ask a question within the first five seconds of a prospecting call.
    Your objective is to uncover a new piece of information about them.

  3. Follow up with a call and reference the previous conversation to deepen the relationship.

  4. Make a list of your customers and record how you have helped them / positive outcomes from working with you.
    This will give you a massive confidence boost!

  5. Always have an open mindset when you hear ‘no’
    Choose to see ‘No’ as a detour and stay positive. Keep the dialogue open but ask questions like:
     -“I understand. But out of curiosity, what is the reason you’re not moving forward?”
     - “I really appreciate you telling me no. Would you mind telling me the reason so I can understand how we might be able to serve you in the future?”


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