Cultivate the right culture in your company


  1. Establish rules and norms from day one.
    Norms, in this context, are expected behaviors from the product team and the corresponding punishment if they are not met. For example, punishing those employees who arrive late.

  2. Share a meaningful story with every member of the team.
    This can be a story of the founder, events that happened and generated good reports, and everything that is part of the company's construction. This helps your team build better relationships with their colleagues and be inspired by each other.

  3. Discuss taboos with the team members.
    Taboos are topics that are considered controversial in the company and society. In other words, they are topics the company does not see very well, so they avoid talking about. Your company must discuss and address it for a healthier culture.

  4. Encourage open and regular communication in your company.
    This goes for all forms of company communication. The channels and language that the people in your organization will use should be appropriate and according to the company’s standards.

  5. Share the company values as often as possible.
    They are directly related to the company's purpose and must define the culture's standard of behavior. Examples of these values ​​may include innovation, transparency, sustainability, etc.

  6. Make rituals and ceremonies part of your company’s culture.
    These are the actions that the company traditionally performs. They have the objective of improving the organizational climate, in addition to engaging employees. It can be parties, competitions, recognition of collaborators, etc.


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