Constantly train, test, evaluate, and sort people.

Personal and professional growth, worker evaluation, and assessments are important parts of a successful company. They’re part of the culture, and everyone must have a good understanding of the importance of giving feedback, finding problems, and trying to match workers to their perfect position.

As Ray Dalio says, “Tough love is both the hardest and the most important type of love to give.”


  1. Understand that you and the people you manage will go through a process of personal evolution.
    Teach your people to fish rather than give them fish, even if that means letting them make some mistakes.

  2. Provide constant feedback.
    You want your organization to work as you planned. That’s why your employees must meet your expectations.

  3. Evaluate accurately, not kindly.
    In the end, accuracy and kindness are the same things. Think about accuracy, not implications.

  4. Recognize that tough love is both the hardest and the most important type of love to give.
    This is because it is so rarely welcomed. Compliments are easy to give, but they do not help people stretch. While most people prefer compliments, accurate criticism is more valuable.

  5. Don’t hide your observations about people.
    Observe by using valuation tools like surveys and assessments in order to figure out how you and your people are built. Then you can put the right people in the right jobs.

  6. If someone is doing their job poorly, consider whether it is due to inadequate learning or inadequate ability.
    Knowing how people operate and being able to judge whether that way of operating will lead to good results is more important than knowing what they did.

  7. Train, guardrail, or remove people; don’t rehabilitate them.
    Don’t collect people and be ready to “shoot the people you love.”


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