Attract better followers to yourself


  1. Write down the qualities you desire in your followers.
  2. Identify the disparities.
    Think about why you desire the qualities you listed. Check to see if they describe people like you or different from you. If there’s a disparity between your image of yourself and of your employees, then your level of self-awareness may be low, hindering your personal development. Talk to a trusted colleague or friend who knows you well to help identify your blind spots.
  3. Develop your character.
    Based on who you’re attracting, you may need to grow in the areas of character and leadership. Find mentors willing and able to help you grow in each area. Ideally, your leadership mentor should work in the same or similar profession and be several steps ahead of you in their career.
  4. Take it to the next level.
    If you’re already attracting the kinds of people you desire, it’s time to take your leadership to the next level. Work at staffing your weaknesses and recruiting people who will complement your leadership in the area of skills.


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