The Science of Getting Rich
by Wallace D. WattlesThe Science of Getting Rich is a practical manual for individuals seeking wealth, without the need for extensive study in metaphysics. It follows the monistic viewpoint that everything in the universe stems from one source and that this source manifests as the various elements of our material world. By following the principles outlined in this book, you'll be able to develop a clear plan for attaining financial prosperity and success.
Everyone Has the Right to Be Rich
A person's growth in many aspects of life is limited without sufficient financial resources. In essence, we need money to buy the things necessary for our physical, spiritual, and mental development. Hence, the foundation of personal advancement is the science of getting rich.
While some people may perceive wealth negatively, the truth is there's actually nothing wrong with wanting to get rich. In fact, it's a natural desire. We all want a better, richer, more fulfilling life. We want good food, comfortable clothing, a warm place to sleep, and time to relax. We also want the chance to learn, travel, and connect with others. Love is an essential part of life, and poverty can keep us from fully expressing it. Wealth allows us to give to those we love, which is one of life's greatest joys.
Actions to take
Doing Things in a Certain Way Leads to Getting Rich
Getting rich is not a matter of environment, talent, or even saving habits. It's also not limited by a particular choice of business or profession or a lack of initial capital. Instead, it is based on doing things in a certain way.
So, if we want to acquire wealth, we need to know exactly how to do it. Get rid of the excuses that may be holding you back and start learning how you can acquire wealth in your own way—whether it would be through leveraging your skills or talents, building a business, and so on.
If your plan is to build a business, for example, you may consider building one that is suited to your locality. This way, you'll better understand your customers needs and demands, making it easier for you to generate revenue.
Actions to take
Get Rich by Embracing Opportunities
Everyone has the potential to achieve wealth, but it requires embracing opportunities and taking actions that lead to success. Factory workers are not limited by their circumstances, but rather by their choices and actions. An individual's financial situation is not determined by their social class, but rather by their ability to seize opportunities. Opportunities abound for all, as the natural world is a never-ending source of riches.
Actions to take
Believe in the Power of Your Thoughts
Did you know that the universe we live in today is surrounded by shapeless energy that can be molded by our thoughts and desires? This is known as the "formless substance," and as thinking beings, humans can shape the substance with their thoughts and ideas, manifesting what they imagine.
But to do this effectively, one must first understand the principles of this process and how it works. By communicating their thoughts and desires to the substance, they can cause the creation of the things they think about. All things in nature are made from the same original substance, and by harnessing the power of our thoughts, we can tap into its limitless potential.
Actions to take
The Power of Your Thoughts
The first principle in the science of getting rich is about the power of thought. It suggests that everything around us starts from a formless material, and our thoughts have the power to turn this material into real, tangible things.
The notion behind it is that the entire universe and everything in it were first created in the same way—through thoughts. So, if you keep thinking about something specific, you are likely to influence this formless material to take shape accordingly. This means if you can master the art of thinking clearly and focus your thoughts consistently on what you want, you might be able to make it real without even physically touching anything.
Now, it might sound simple and easy. But in reality, it requires some serious effort. You need to control your thoughts to stay focused on what you want, not on what you see around you. For example, if you see sickness or poverty, you must train your mind to think about health and abundance instead. This way, you can help turn your positive thoughts into reality.
Actions to take
Visualization and Taking Action Is the Key to Attaining Wealth
Wealth is attainable for anyone who believes in it and takes the necessary steps towards it. The key is to have a clear idea of what you want in your mind and to live in a way that aligns with your goals. Your faith will also play a significant role in manifesting your desires.
Actions to take
Unlocking Wealth Through Fair Exchange
True wealth and prosperity come not from exploiting others. But from engaging in fair exchanges that benefit everyone involved. When you conduct business or any transaction, your goal should be to provide more in terms of practical value than what you receive in cash value.
Take the purchase of a book as an example. The materials like paper and ink aren't very expensive, but if the ideas in the book help you change your life or make more money, then you've gained a lot more than what you paid for. This shows how you can get more value from something than the cash you spend on it.
It's also important to run your business in an ethical way. If you find yourself in a business that takes advantage of others, think about whether you should stay. Try to be in businesses that make a positive difference in people's lives. The money will naturally follow.
This idea also applies to how you treat your workers. Set up your business so that your employees can grow and do well. They should get more from their job than just their pay—they should have chances to learn and advance. When employees are happy and feel supported, they work better and help the business grow. It's a win-win for everyone!
The main point is that your goal to make money should match with a bigger goal of making life better for everyone. Everything good in life, from the beauty you admire to the resources you use, is part of a grand design meant to help you live fully.
Actions to take
Cultivate the Habit of Being Grateful
Gratitude is a powerful force that can help us manifest the things we desire in life. By expressing gratitude for the good things that come our way, we send out positive energy that attracts even more good things. A positive outlook is crucial for attracting positive experiences and outcomes, whereas a negative focus only attracts more negativity. It's important to recognize that we have a choice in what we focus on and that this choice determines the experiences and outcomes we receive.
Actions to take
Harnessing Gratitude for Prosperity
Gratitude is much more than a simple "thank you." It's a powerful force that can change our lives and connect us with the deep wisdom of the universe. At the heart of many teachings on wealth creation is the idea that our mindset can greatly impact our capacity to attract prosperity. When we cultivate a profound sense of gratitude, we're essentially tuning in to the universe's frequency of abundance.
The universe is responsive to the energy we emit. When we express feelings of gratitude, it's as though we're sending out a beacon that attracts more positive outcomes and prosperity into our lives. It's a cycle of give-and-take; by being thankful, we invite even more reasons to be grateful into our existence.
Actions to take
Get What You Want With Faith and Purpose
To truly achieve what we want, it's crucial to be specific and clear in our goals. You see, merely wishing for wealth or having the desire to travel and experience more isn't enough. We need to know exactly what we want and why we want it. But this doesn't stop there.
Our purpose must also be backed by an unwavering faith that our desired outcome is already attainable. It's essential to maintain this faith and hold onto our mental image of what we want. Imagine living in the house until it becomes a reality.
Believe that your desires are already fulfilled, and take mental possession of them. By doing so, you'll be sending out a powerful signal to the universe that you are ready and open to receiving what you've asked for. It all starts with a clear and definite mental picture, a purpose to realize it, and an unwavering faith that it's already yours.
Actions to take
Harness the Power of Visualization for Wealth
Visualization is a powerful tool for attracting wealth. It works on the principle that creating a vivid mental image can prompt the universe to bring these visions to life.
To use visualization effectively, you need to focus sharply, set clear intentions, believe strongly in your goals, and maintain a sense of gratitude.
Imagine living in the reality of your desires. See yourself interacting with these desires as if they already exist in your life. This process should be simple and natural, focusing clearly on what you truly want without the need for elaborate rituals.
Your desire should be so strong that it naturally holds your attention, much like a compass needle that points unwaveringly toward the magnetic north. With this strong desire, a clear vision, and a firm belief in your goals, achieving wealth will become your certain destination.
Actions to take
Maximize Your Impact with Efficient Actions
To achieve success, especially in building wealth, acting efficiently is crucial. This means being fully engaged and committed to each task, doing your best no matter how small the task may seem. Every action you take can influence your path to success, and ignoring even the smallest details can slow you down or derail your progress.
To act efficiently, you need to combine mental focus with physical action. Put purpose and energy into everything you do. Most importantly, ensure that each action aligns with your broader goals and aspirations. Think of each task as a step towards your ultimate success, and approach it with the dedication it deserves.
Actions to take
Choosing the Right Business
To succeed in any business, it's essential to have the right skills and talents that match what the business needs. It's also important that you cultivate these skills continuously. Think of these skills as tools. Having good tools is important, but knowing how to use them effectively is just as crucial. For example, two people might have the same tools to build furniture, but the quality of furniture they make can be very different depending on how skilled they are at using those tools. This shows that you can do well in any business if you are willing to learn and improve your skills.
Besides matching your business with your skills, it's also important to consider what you are passionate about. This can make your work more fulfilling and enjoyable.
Passion is a strong motivator and usually means you have a natural talent in that area. If you are really interested in something, it's likely that you have the potential to be very good at it, as long as you work on developing and applying your abilities.
Choosing the right business means finding a balance between what you are good at and what you love to do. While it makes sense to start in a field where your skills are already strong, following your true interests can be very rewarding. If you're in a job or industry you don't like because of past choices, try to find parts of your job that can help you move towards the work you really want to do. Changing careers should be a careful and thoughtful process, not something done in haste.
If you're thinking about changing your career, it's best to take your time to grow into the new role instead of making a quick change. If you're unsure, take a moment to think about what you really want. Keeping a positive attitude and being grateful can help align your actions with your goals, making sure you move confidently towards your dreams. Remember, there's no need to rush—there are plenty of opportunities out there, and the right ones will come along when you're ready for them.
Actions to take
Seek to Add Value to People’s Lives
To succeed in your business aspirations, it's important to make the most of the business you're already involved in. The key to success is to make people feel that they are getting more out of their interactions with you. This is a basic principle of human nature - people are naturally attracted to those who bring more value to their lives.
So, focus on making sure that you are giving people a use value that is greater than the cost they are paying. This will not only make them happy, but it will also make you feel proud of what you're doing. Remember, the more value you bring, the more successful you will be.
In addition to this, it's important to convey an image of growth and advancement in everything you do. Let your actions, words, and expressions show that you are confident and successful. Beware of the temptation to seek control over others, and instead, follow the principle of creative action, where you wish the same success for yourself and for others.
Actions to take
Don’t just read. Act.