Use mind mapping to generate multiple alternatives


  1. Create Mind Map 1 based on your most engaging activities
    Refer to the Good Time Journal you made previously. Select one of the activities you find most engaging e.g. pitching new ideas to your team. On a blank paper, make this activity the center of your mind map. Create the first ring by writing down 5 words or ideas that are related to this activity. Then generate 5 more ideas for each idea in the first ring to create a second. Do the same to create a third ring of ideas.
  2. Create Mind Map 2 based on your most energizing activities
    Use your Good Time Journal to pick an energizing activity in your life, such as talking to clients. On a blank paper, place this activity at the center of your mind map. Then create 3 rings of ideas based on it.
  3. Create Mind Map 3 based on your flow experiences
    Use your Good Time Journal to identify any experience that puts you in a state of flow, for example, brainstorming new ideas. On a blank paper, place this experience at the center and create 3 more rings of ideas.
  4. Use the three mind maps to create an alternative life
    Look at Mind Map 1 and intuitively choose 3 different ideas from the outermost ring. Combine these 3 ideas into a possible job description that you would find fun and interesting. It’s OK if it’s not something practical or appealing to employers. Name this job role and sketch it. Repeat this process for Mind Maps 2 and 3. You now have three potential versions of your best job.


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