Observe someone's facial expressions


  1. Detect signs of tension.
    Keep an eye out for subtle indications of tension, such as the jaw muscles tightening, the nose wings flaring, the eyes squinting, the mouth quivering, or lip occlusion.
  2. Analyze the eyes.
    Focus on the eyes and observe if there's pupillary constriction or squinting, which can indicate eye blocking. Also, note if the eyes dilate when someone likes what they see or if they constrict when they feel aroused, surprised, or confronted.
  3. Pay attention to eyebrow movement.
    Notice the degree of eyebrow movement and consider the surrounding context. Lowered eyebrows often suggest low confidence and negative emotions, while arched eyebrows indicate high confidence and positive feelings.
  4. Look for micro gestures.
    Train your eye to spot subtle micro gestures, which can reveal profound emotional conflicts that might not be easily noticeable at first glance.
  5. Observe the holistic context of facial expressions.
    Pay close attention to the combination of facial and body cues to gain a comprehensive understanding of the message being conveyed.


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