Optimize variables in a system


  1. Identify the System's Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
    Take a good look at the system and its processes and determine which KPIs are essential to measure the most important aspects of the system.
  2. Optimize one variable at a time.
    Instead of trying to tackle the entire system at once, focus on one variable to understand how changes can impact the system as a whole. This approach makes it easier to measure progress and determine what works best.
  3. Identify the critical few
    Utilize the Pareto Principle to identify the minority of inputs that produce the majority of the output. This understanding will help you concentrate your efforts on the most important aspects of the system.
  4. Refactor the system
    Break down the system and look for patterns. Rearrange the processes to make the system faster or more efficient without changing the output.
  5. Automate your system
    Find ways to automate your system to enable scale through duplication and multiplication. This step will help you create and deliver more value to paying customers.
  6. Prepare for an uncertain future with scenario planning
    Scenario Planning is the process of constructing hypothetical situations and mentally simulating what one would do if they occurred.
  7. Apply the 85% solution
    Don't feel like you need to optimize everything to perfection. Focus on the few simple things that will give you the best results. Then, call it a day and move on to the next step.


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