Practice the Pecha Kucha method of presentation design


  1. Select a suitable topic for the presentation. The Kucha method is a great practice if you want to learn how to work with constraints. Begin by deciding on a subject for your presentation. Remember, the Pecha Kucha method emphasizes visual storytelling within a constrained format: 20 slides displayed for 20 seconds each, totaling 6 minutes and 40 seconds. Your topic should be manageable within this time frame.
  2. Outline your narrative. Draft a concise outline of the key ideas or stories you wish to share. Break these down into 20 distinct points, ensuring each can be effectively communicated in a 20-second window.
  3. Design your slides.
    Develop visuals that bolster and reflect your narrative. With just 20 seconds per slide, it's crucial that each visual is clear, compelling, and directly related to the segment of your narrative it accompanies.
  4. Set automatic slide advancement.
    In your presentation software, adjust settings so each slide advances automatically after 20 seconds. This ensures adherence to the Pecha Kucha timing constraint.
  5. Rehearse your presentation.
    In your presentation software, adjust settings so each slide advances automatically after 20 seconds. This ensures adherence to the Pecha Kucha timing constraint. If possible, seek feedback from a trusted person to refine your delivery.
  6. Deliver with confidence.
    On the day of your presentation, take a few moments to calm your nerves. Remember, you've prepared thoroughly. Stand confidently, project your voice, and enjoy the experience of sharing your knowledge.


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