Use the Three-Step Turnaround Framework to handle rejections


  1. Use an anchor statement to manage your emotional response to rejection.
    When faced with rejection, the initial emotional response is automatic, a residue from our fight-or-flight instincts. However, by using an anchor statement, we provide a buffer for our logical brain to take control. This brief pause allows us to regain composure and maintain control over the conversation. For example, when a prospect says, "I'm not interested," an effective anchor could be, "You know, that is what a lot of my current clients said the first time I called."
  2. Disrupt the prospect's conditioned response to rejection.
    Prospects often expect typical and predictable responses from salespeople. To stand out and create a genuine connection, we need to challenge these expectations with unexpected responses. By doing so, we can effectively pull the prospect towards us. For example, if a prospect comments, "We're really happy with our current provider," instead of challenging their satisfaction directly, a disrupting response could be, "That's fantastic! Anytime you are getting great rates and great service, you should never think about changing."
  3. Confidently and directly ask for a specific commitment.
    Following the disruption, the ultimate goal is to secure a commitment from the prospect, whether that's a commitment of time, information, or another step in the sales process. It's imperative to be direct and confident in this ask, making sure the request is clear. As an example, after offering a disruption like, "All I want to do is come by and get to know you a little better," a direct and confident ask could be, "How about I come by on Tuesday at 11:30 a.m.?"


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