Try the “rip-off band-aid” approach to fasting


  1. Start with a six-hour eating window in your first week.
    Start straight away with a six-hour eating window. You can still fit lunch and dinner into this window. For example, you may have lunch at 1 pm and then finish dinner by 7 pm. You can also move this window to incorporate breakfast if you prefer.
  2. Maintain the six-hour eating window in your second week.
    In the second week, starting from day eight, you still maintain the same six-hour eating window. You should still eat if you are hungry during the window. If you notice your appetite subsiding a bit here, have a snack instead of lunch. If your eating habits stay the same, don’t worry too much about it—after all, everybody is different.
  3. Cut your eating window down to five hours in your third week.
    Starting on day 15, cut your eating window down to five hours. You can still fit lunch, a snack, and the main meal at dinner. Simply move them closer together. Usually, you will find that you have dinner at roughly the same time, and you extend the amount of time you fast before you have lunch or a snack.
  4. Cut your eating window down to four hours in your fourth week.
    In the final week, starting on day 22, cut down to a four-hour window. This consists of one main meal and a snack. You may decide to keep dinner as the main meal, but if you prefer lunch or breakfast, that’s also fine.
  5. Find the time for your eating window that works best for you.
    When you are down to your four-hour eating window, adjust it to find the best time for you. Pick when you want to eat your main meal, and feel free to change it each day based on your preference and your body’s needs. So, if you normally have a main meal at lunch but you have been invited out for dinner, that’s fine; just change your eating window for that day and do it in the evening.


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