Make healthier dietary choices


  1. Reevaluate your true dietary needs.
    Know that a proper diet should not just be about weight loss. It should also offer you energy, fuel, nutrients without unnecessary toxins, and satisfaction. Reflect on your current diet: Does it make you feel energized and satisfied, or are you often hungry and craving more? A good starting point is to list out what you typically eat in a week and identify items that might not be meeting these basic needs.
  2. Question common diet myths.
    Challenge the myths you've heard about dieting, such as the necessity of extremely low-fat or low-calorie diets. Ask yourself: Have these approaches worked for you in the long term, or do they leave you feeling deprived and lead to binge eating? What do you think could be modified or improved to ensure you have a healthy diet? If your current dieting approach isn't working out well for you, you might need to rethink your approach.
  3. Plan your meals to reduce decision fatigue around foods.
    What healthy foods do you plan to include in your diet this week? Planning your meals ahead of time can reduce the number of decisions you have to make about food throughout the day. This can help preserve your willpower for other important tasks and prevent impulsive eating decisions.


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