Teach kids to question knowledge and embrace confusion to cultivate curiosity and learning


  1. Question yourself and others whilst imparting knowledge
    As you explain something, check by asking if anyone else has anything to contribute and together, check for confirming or disconfirming evidence.

  2. Have a weekly myth-busting discussion at dinner, rotating who is responsible for identifying a myth
    Some of us learned in school that Pluto was a planet (not true anymore) and Columbus discovered America (never true). Myth-busting is a great way to teach kids to become comfortable with rethinking and relearning.

  3. Host “passion talks” where someone (family member or friend) teaches the family about something he or she loves
    This benefits those giving the talk (one of the best ways to learn is to teach) and those listening, and is a powerful way to rethink what and from whom we can learn.

  4. Encourage kids to embrace confusion and lead their own learning
    From ‘Do-it-yourself’ craft projects to world affairs, encourage kids to identify problems, develop hypotheses, and design their own experiments to test them. For example, get a couple of snails to take care of, and test which foods they like, whether they prefer hot or cold, dark or light, or wet or dry environments.


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