Start mewing today to expand your upper palate and make breathing easier.

The tongue is a powerful muscle. If its force is directed at the teeth, it can throw them out of alignment; if it’s directed at the roof of the mouth, it may help expand the upper palate of the mouth and open up the airways.

This technique, known as “mewing,” aims to make breathing easier and has been popularly adopted as “a new health craze.” After a few months, mewers have claimed that their mouths expanded, jaws became more defined, sleep apnea symptoms lessened, and breathing became easier. Dr. Mike Mew’s instructional YouTube video on mewing has been viewed a million times.


  1. Keep your mouth closed with your teeth gently touching.

  2. Push the back of the tongue against the back roof of the mouth and move the rest of the tongue forward, like a wave, until the tip hits just behind the front teeth.

  3. Breathe through your nose.

  4. Adopt this as your natural resting position.
    Find a way of reminding yourself to maintain this posture.


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