Say “change!” every time you engage in a limiting thought or behavior


  1. Sit comfortably with your eyes closed.

  2. Imagine a situation where you are thinking and feeling unconsciously.
    Visualize yourself thinking and acting with the limited state of mind you want to unmemorize.

  3. Say “Change!” out loud whenever you’re in a scenario where you could easily fall into an old behavior pattern.
    As you run through a series of situations in your mind’s eye in which you stop yourself from being the old self (emotionally), your repeated exposure to the same stimuli (mentally) will weaken your emotional response to that condition.

  4. Picture yourself in an event in your life where there is a good reason to fall short of your ideal, then say, “Change!”
    After “Change!” you may like to say, “This is not loving to me! The rewards of being healthy, happy, and free are so much more important than being stuck in the same self-destructive pattern.”

  5. Keep saying “Change!” out loud whenever you catch yourself in real life thinking a limiting thought or engaging in a limiting behavior.
    Over time, your voice will become the new voice in your head—the one you consistently hear and act on.


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