Restore your integrity after compromising it


  1. Take responsibility for your dishonorable actions.
    Accept that what you’ve done is wrong instead of avoiding the issue. Own up to your mistakes fully.
  2. Seek to understand why you acted without integrity.
    Reflect on the intentions behind your actions to identify why you did what you did. Do so compassionately without excessive blaming or making excuses.
  3. Explicitly acknowledge the harm you’ve done to the victims of your actions.
    Talk to the people who’ve suffered from your dishonorable behavior. Acknowledge how your actions have hurt them and show them that you understand how they feel.
  4. Make amends where possible.
    Do whatever is within your power to make amends or reduce the damage you’ve caused.
  5. Commit to changing your behavior.
    Make a firm commitment to yourself that you will behave differently moving forward.


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