Replace a bad habit with a good one


  1. Make a vow to change something
    Focus on making changes that will benefit the people you care about more than yourself. For example, you can make a vow to quit smoking to protect your family and colleagues from the consequences of secondhand smoke.

  2. Figure out what triggers your old behaviour.
    Be more specific about your triggers. For example, you may be triggered by unnecessary disagreements with your teammates, causing you to delay completing an urgent project.

  3. Define your new habit in a short and specific manner.
    Ensure your habit can be completed in less than one minute. For example, you could set your habit as drinking a glass of water as soon as you wake up. If a habit takes too long, your brain may find a way to hack your good intentions.

  4. Keep repeating your new habit.
    Be intentional about repeating your new habit until you start doing it effortlessly and spontaneously.


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