Reconnect with yourself and the world around you


  1. Thank and appreciate your devices
    Thank your devices for the value they provide. Appreciate your phone for the beautiful pictures it takes, or your laptop for all the knowledge it stores.

  2. Meditate for 15 minutes every day in the same place
    Sit with yourself, quietly, and do nothing else. Choose a comfortable place and position. Then, close your eyes and focus all your attention on your breath - feel it going into your nostrils and lungs.

  3. Journal for 15 minutes every day
    Simply write about whatever comes to mind. Don’t worry about grammar or spelling, simply allow yourself to freely write.

  4. Go for a 30-minute walk every day - either alone or with a friend
    During your walk, practice awareness for at least 5 minutes. Pay attention to where you place your feet and the sensations that arise as your foot touches or lifts up from the ground. Consciously experience your body and how it interacts with the movement and your environment.

  5. Practice movement to recharge and rejuvenate
    Apart from conventional forms of exercise such as going to the gym, you can practice movement through dance or yoga.


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