Reach a deeper understanding of self-assertiveness


  1. Use self-assertiveness sentence stems on Week 1.
    From Monday to Friday, complete these sentences: “Self-assertiveness to me means.....” “If I lived 5% more assertively today.....” “If I had the courage to treat my desires as important.....” Write 6 to 10 endings for each sentence. On the weekend, review your responses and then complete the sentence: “If any of what I’ve been writing is true, it might be helpful if I.....*” Then move on to the next week.
  2. Use sentence stems on Week 2.
    From Monday to Friday, complete these sentences: “When I ignore my deepest desires.....” “If I were willing to voice my opinions more often.....” Provide 6 to 10 endings per sentence and review your work during the weekend.
  3. Use sentence stems on Week 3.
    From Monday to Friday, complete these sentences: “When I suppress my thoughts/opinions.....” “When I stay silent about the things I want.....” Provide 6 to 10 endings per sentence and review your work during the weekend.
  4. Use sentence stems on Week 4.
    From Monday to Friday, complete these sentences: “If I were to express 5% more of myself today.....” “When I hide who I really am.....” Provide 6 to 10 endings per sentence and review your work during the weekend.


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