Practice nasal breathing during exercise


  1. Begin each exercise session by setting your intention to breathe right throughout.
    Before you start moving, take a slow, light breath through your nose, and tell yourself ‘I will breathe lightly and through my nose while I exercise.’

  2. Maintain nasal breathing during low and moderate-intensity exercise.
    You may feel the need to blow your nose frequently as your nasal passages clear and adapt. You may also need to stop or slow down more frequently. Give yourself time to adapt.

  3. If you find yourself starting to gasp or needing to open your mouth to breathe, reduce the intensity of your exercise, or take a short break.

  4. Adapt your exercise to your breathing, not the other way around.
    Use your ability to breathe nasally as the measure of the right intensity and work rate for you.

  5. During high-intensity exercise, mouth breathing can be used, but limit the amount of time you do so.
    Try your best to stick to nasal breathing if possible.

  6. During interval training, breathe nasally during rest periods to help recover faster.

  7. Relax your body and stay connected to your breathing throughout your exercise.
    This will ensure efficiency and lightness of movement, so you don’t waste energy.

  8. Over time as you practice nasal breathing, you will be able to do more, exercise more efficiently, and recover faster.
    Be patient with yourself as you work towards this goal.


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