Practice daily meditation to improve mindfulness


  1. Find a quiet area with no distractions.
    Sit down in a quiet place with no distractions. Turn off notifications on your phone, and make sure you choose a time of day when you are unlikely to be disturbed.

  2. Set a timer.
    Set a timer for your meditation. If you are new to meditation, start with just one minute. You can then increase the time gradually in 30-second increments. This trains you to increase focus. You’ll be even more successful than you would if you tried to meditate for longer periods right away.

  3. Focus on your breathing.
    Close your eyes and start breathing in and out through your nose. Focus on the sensation of the breath as it fills your lungs and the rise and fall of your chest.

  4. Redirect your focus when the mind wanders.
    It’s natural for your mind to wander when meditating, so don’t worry when thoughts enter your head. Just gently redirect your focus back to the breath and continue. As you practice more, your mind will wander less, and it will be easier to redirect your focus.

  5. Repeat daily.
    Repeat meditation daily to make it a habit. Try to do it at the same time if you can, and increase the length gradually until you reach 10-20 minute sessions.


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