Perform the Sway Test to release trap emotions


  1. Find a space to be alone.
    Get rid of any distractions in the room, such as music or television.
  2. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart so that you are balanced, and put your hands by your sides.
  3. Let go of all your worries and relax your body completely.
    Close your eyes if you are comfortable doing so. You will notice that it is actually impossible to stand perfectly still. Your body will continually shift its position very slightly in different directions.
  4. When you are ready, simply state the words “unconditional love."
    Keep this phrase in your mind and try to feel the emotions that are connected with this idea. In a few moments, you should feel your body beginning to sway forward.
  5. Clear your mind and say the word “war.” Try to feel the emotions that are connected with this thought.
    You mustn’t try to force your body to sway either forward or backward.
  6. Try making a statement that you know to be true, like saying your name out loud.
    State your name out loud, saying, “My name is......” You’ll feel your body begin to sway forward because your body is drawn toward positivity, congruence, and truth.
  7. Now you can try making an untrue or incongruent statement.
    You should feel your body begin to sway backward within a few seconds because your body is not only repelled by negative thoughts such as “war” but also repulsed by incongruence and falsity.
  8. Keep your mind clear.
    Don’t think about other things, or your subconscious mind will be confused. The main thing is to stay focused on whatever statement or thought you have chosen.
  9. Make this statement: “I have a trapped emotion.”
    Alternatively, you can phrase it as a question: “Do I have a trapped emotion?”. Your body will most likely sway forward, giving you an affirmative answer that you have at least one trapped emotion. If your body sways backward, don’t assume that you are free of trapped emotions just yet.


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