Optimize what you eat


  1. Choose a balanced diet that gives you all-around nutrition.
    Make sure you get all the key elements: complex carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, fresh fruits, and vegetables.

  2. Prioritize fresh foods over foods containing preservatives.

  3. Drink between 1.5-2L of water per day.
    This can include water in teas or herbal infusions, but not water in juices, coffee, or other drinks.

  4. Avoid processed and refined foods containing corn syrup, fructose, or sucrose; sugar; soda and soft drinks; prepackaged fruit and vegetable juices; energy, protein, snack bars; breakfast cereals, and commercially processed nut butter.

  5. Modify your meal components, timing, and size to support your daily schedule, personal needs, and energy levels.
     - Larger and more carb-heavy meals can give you energy but may also cause drowsiness. Ideal as dinner to promote sleep.
     - Lighter meals can help you stay alert. Ideal for lunch to avoid the afternoon slump.
    - Protein-rich meals help with recovery after physical activity.


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