Notice role-playing and become authentic.

You will be totally focused on any situation and become one with it. You are not trying to be anybody in particular. You are at your most powerful and effective when you are completely yourself.


  1. Observe how you interact with people and notice when you are playing a role.
    Detect subtle changes in speech and attitude depending on the person (e.g., chairman vs. janitor) you are interacting with. At first, it may be easier to observe this in others.

  2. Notice the role you are playing and realize that you are not that role.
    Customer? Bureaucrat? Conditioned patterns of behavior lead to inauthentic interactions and relationships.

  3. Become completely present within your interactions.

  4. Be comfortable with not knowing who you are. This allows you to become a field of pure potentiality rather than something that is already defined.


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