Manage risks when trading


  1. Calculate the risk-reward ratio for potential trades.
    Before executing any trade, assess the potential reward relative to the risk. Avoid entering trades where the potential loss exceeds the potential gain. Ideally, you should aim for a risk-reward ratio where the potential reward is at least twice the risk. For example, if you risk $100 on a trade, you should aim for at least $200 in potential profit. This step ensures that the trades you choose align with your strategy’s expectancy for profitability and risk management.
  2. Set specific entry, exit, and stop-loss points.
    For each trade, clearly define where you will enter the market, the price at which you aim to sell for a profit, and the stop-loss point to cut losses if the trade goes against you. These predefined points help manage risk and prevent emotional decision-making. For example, if buying a stock at $100, you might set an exit target at $110 and a stop loss at $95. Don’t let your emotions rule!
  3. Determine the maximum risk per trade.
    Establish a rule to never risk more than 2% of your total trading account on any single trade. This means, for instance, if your trading account has $10,000, you should not risk more than $200 on a single trade. Decide in advance how much of your account you are willing to risk and what the maximum loss should be before you need to exit a trade. This limit protects your capital from significant losses, allowing you to trade another day.


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