Maximize your savings and investments


  1. Split your savings up into different bank accounts
    Name each account with a different goal you want to achieve in life. When you look at less of your money at once, you’ll be inclined to spend less too.

  2. Use the rule of 72 to get in control of your investments and payments
    Divide 72 by your interest rate to estimate the amount of time for your investment to double. For example, if you invest $1,000 with 7% interest, 72/7 = 10.3 years for that to become $2000. You can also use this to estimate loans, credit cards, or anything that grows at a compound rate.

  3. Use smart, successful systems that have already been validated
    If someone has a proven method, use it. Focus your time and energy on problems that haven’t been solved yet.

  4. Build a backup fund
    Have a separate savings fund to protect you and your family in case you lose your job, or if you want to resign, explore a different business opportunity, etc.

  5. Start building your passive income portfolio early
    Exploit your unique strengths. You could invest in a product/person, but you’ll need to do your due diligence and understand the dimensions of the business as well as the CEO/founder. Commodity-based options are the safest choice, but you should still speak with a mentor before making any decisions. Other options include investing in the financial market (fixed deposits, unit trusts, mutual funds, etc) but these come with many caveats - get professional guidance first or consider getting certified as a financial planner yourself.


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