Personalize in-person engagements


  1. Plan in-person prospects (IPPs) anchored to preset appointments..
    Prioritize your in-person prospects (IPPs) by anchoring them around the appointments you've already set during your phone block. This provides structure and ensures that your visits are strategic. For example, if you've scheduled a phone call with a client at 1 p.m. in a certain area, consider which nearby prospects you can visit either before or after this call.
  2. Create a geographically-informed list of prospects using your CRM.
    Using your CRM, perform a zip code search to identify prospects located near your preset appointments. This ensures efficient use of your time and resources. If you have an appointment in zip code 12345, for example, extract a list of potential leads within the same or adjacent zip codes.
  3. Efficiently map out your prospects' locations.
    Based on your list, plot the locations of three to five prospects on a map. Ensure that these locations are in proximity to your preset appointments to maximize efficiency. Your aim should be to minimize driving time and maximize face-to-face interactions. For example, if you have an appointment in the center of town, identify prospects within a 5-mile radius.
  4. Allocate ample time for each prospect visit.
    Giving yourself sufficient time between each appointment ensures you can engage meaningfully with each prospect. Avoid rushing; the goal is quality engagement. For example, if you've planned three IPPs in a day, ensure there's a minimum of an hour or two between each to cater for discussions and any unforeseen delays.
  5. Conduct research about your prospect. Before you meet with them, ensure you do adequate research about each prospect. Visit their websites, check recent press releases, and review any notes in your CRM. This research allows for a more tailored and informed approach. For example, if you discover a recent achievement by the prospect on their website, you can begin your conversation by congratulating them on that milestone.
  6. Personalize your engagement strategy. Each prospect is unique, so your approach should be, too. Craft questions that resonate with their business needs offer insights into potential solutions, or use your existing relationships with nearby customers as a testament to your credibility. For example, mentioning a successful partnership with a neighboring business can instill trust and break down initial barriers.
  7. Be prepared to seal the deal. Equip yourself with all the necessary materials that might be needed to seal a deal. This includes sales sheets, order forms, contracts, and presentation material. Being prepared signifies professionalism and reduces the chance of missed opportunities.
  8. Diligently log interactions in your CRM. Documenting each interaction and setting reminders for follow-ups is crucial. This ensures that no valuable information is lost, and subsequent engagements are more informed. After your IPP, make it a habit to immediately update the CRM with details of the discussion and set reminders for the next steps.


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