Point your focus to what matters


  1. Recognize inattentional blindspots.
    Reflect on situations where you may not be noticing important details because your attention is focused elsewhere. For example, while working on a task, think about what you might be missing in your environment or in a conversation. This awareness can help you broaden your attention when necessary.
  2. Evaluate your attentional filters.
    Periodically review what you typically pay attention to and what you ignore. Consider if the filters you have in place are serving you well or if they need adjustment based on your current goals and needs.
  3. Practice mindfulness to enhance your focus.
    Set aside a few minutes each day to practice mindfulness exercises. These can include focused breathing or mindful observation of your surroundings. The goal is to train your brain to focus on the present moment, which can help reduce the impact of inattentional blindness.
  4. Use reminders to counteract forgetfulness.
    Place physical or digital reminders for important tasks or appointments. This strategy leverages external memory aids to compensate for the brain's tendency to forget things that don't fit neatly into your current focus areas.
  5. Schedule time for daydreaming.
    Allow yourself specific times during the day, perhaps during breaks or quieter moments, to let your mind wander. This deliberate engagement with the mind-wandering network can foster creativity and problem-solving.


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