Master your body language to build rapport


  1. Align your personal appearance with your profession.
    How you dress, how long your hair is, and how you groom yourself greatly affect others’ perceptions of you.

  2. Be spatially aware and adapt your selling stance.
    a) Maintain a two-and-a-half to three-foot distance in the Western world and about a half-foot distance in Asia. 
    b) If you are a man selling to a man or a woman selling to a woman, stand at a slight angle (cornering off) rather than directly in front of each other, as this will feel more natural and comfortable.
    c) A man communicating with a female prospect, or vice versa, should stand directly in front of each other as this is shown to be the most effective in this particular situation.

  3. Use a basic, neutral handshake (known as the co-operator’s handshake) and return the same pressure given to you.

  4. Maintain good, solid eye contact.
    Studies show that maintaining eye contact for 72% of the time is the optimal amount to gain trust, with any extra resulting in a stare-off!

  5. Focus on maintaining open body language.
    For example, crossed arms can be perceived as closed off to new ideas.

  6. Be an active listener.
    Nod your head to show agreement. When a prospect is talking about something important to them, maintain eye contact, narrow your eyes a little and make your mouth crooked at the side. Add a few “aha!” and “yup!” and “I got it!”

  7. Build rapport using the matching tool.
    Match body language and tonality with your prospect. If your prospect leans back in their seat, wait for 5-10 seconds, then slowly and casually lean back in your seat.

  8. Enter the prospect’s world, then ‘pace, pace, and lead.’
    Match your prospect's emotional state to calm them down, get them excited or make them feel absolutely certain about something. This way, you can pace them and lead them in the direction you want them to go.


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