Make small lifestyle adjustments to improve brain health


  1. Practice brisk walking.
    A short exercise can improve blood flow to the brain, creativity, the ability to come up with new ideas, and overall executive function.

  2. Eat dark chocolate and blueberries.
    Dark chocolate's minerals and flavonoids combat free radicals and improve brain circulation, oxygen supply, memory, and response speed. If you eat a bowl of blueberries every day, it will boost neurogenesis and new neuron growth.

  3. Sit up straight and write with your non-dominant hand.
    Straightening your back, shoulders, and neck improves blood flow to the brain. When you write with the hand you don't usually use, you’re giving your brain a small challenge that strengthens neural connections and stimulates the growth of new neurons.

  4. Expand your vocabulary.
    Learn a new word daily. Learning new words improves your cognitive abilities and general IQ while also rapidly increasing the number of neurons in your hippocampus.

  5. Visualize and be grateful.
    Visualize ways to make your day better. This practice calms the mind, reduces tension, improves mood, and boosts productivity. Put one thing you're grateful for on a sticky note and attach it wherever you'll see it throughout the day.

  6. Calm the sympathetic nervous system.
    Create silence in your room. Turn off the phone, the TV, and anything else that makes noise. Silence will calm the sympathetic nervous system and help you focus on your feelings and thoughts. Use essential oils like lavender, which calms you down, bergamot, which gives you more energy, and frankincense, which helps the brain get more oxygen.


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