Listen carefully to build solid emotional bonds.


  1. Focus on being interested, not interesting.
    When you listen to others with attention and interest, they feel valued and appreciated.

  2. Ask open-ended questions that allow others to express their points of view and elaborate.
    This will prompt others to reveal more about themselves. For example, “So, what's your latest project at school?

  3. Ask questions about the goals and visions of others.
    Such questions are a great way to connect because it makes others realize how interested you are in their success.

  4. Acknowledge commonalities.
    People are attracted to those with whom they have things in common.

  5. Respond with an occasional brief nod or sound.
    This indicates you are paying attention.

  6. Paraphrase what the speaker says from time to time.
    This shows you are still interested and that you understand what’s being said.

  7. Maintain eye contact from time to time.
    This shows you are listening with interest.

  8. Turn off the TV.
    Keeping the TV on can interfere with your ability to listen.

  9. Let go of your desires.
    Let the speaker express their emotions without trying to change the subject.


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