Learn to handle difficult emotions


  1. Do whatever you can to stay calm and avoid emotional outbursts in a difficult situation.
    Remind yourself of your philosophy using a mantra, do some deep breathing, take a walk or simply leave the situation temporarily until you’ve calmed down.

  2. Take responsibility for how you feel—rather than blaming others.
    The only thing you can control is your response. You cannot control others’ behavior, thoughts, feelings, or actions.

  3. Find a way to express and process your emotions safely.
    Examples include exercise, martial arts, dance, theater, journaling, meditation, therapy, etc.

  4. Balance your feelings with reason and philosophy.
    Always strive to act according to your values, acknowledging and honoring your emotions but not letting them dictate your behavior.

  5. Remember that acting out your emotions usually leads to regrets.
    Instead, turn your focus toward reaching constructive and healthy solutions.


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