Learn how to leverage your unique personality to achieve your goals


  1. Know who you are to get on the fast track to success
    Figure out whether you’re an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert. If you’re introverted, pursue a career that benefits from lots of alone time e.g. lab research. If you’re extroverted, pursue a social career such as sales. If you’re an ambivert, engage in as many different activities as possible until you find a career you thrive in.

  2. Find people who are similar to you to make bonding easier
    Look around your school, neighborhood, or office and identify people who like or even dislike the same things you do. If you like books, join a book club. If you love soccer, then get together with a bunch of people who watch soccer every Sunday.

  3. Ask questions and listen keenly to connect with strangers
    Ask people questions and pay keen attention to their responses. You’re likely to hear something that connects the two of you. Ask them questions about their life so that they get the opportunity to talk about themselves. Ensure that you listen without judging them and avoid offering unsolicited advice. However, you can ask them for advice and pay them sincere compliments to strengthen the bond.

  4. Offer to help others to create genuine friendships
    If someone tells you they’re struggling with something, offer to help them. Do them a favor without having any ulterior motive in mind.


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