Apply the impediment management approach when solving problems


  1. Organize the product backlog.
    Make sure to prioritize and provide details for the most important items in the product backlog before the sprint planning meeting. This will help the team understand what's most important to tackle.
  2. Participate in the sprint planning meeting.
    Attend the sprint planning meeting to clarify requirements and answer questions. This is a great opportunity to help the team understand what needs to be done and how to approach the tasks without assigning tasks or commenting on individual progress.
  3. Set a definition of "done."
    Before starting the first sprint, agree on the criteria that each increment must meet. This should include specific targets such as unit test coverage. Having a clear definition of "done" will help the team understand what they're working towards and ensure that everyone is on the same page.
  4. Participate in the Daily Scrum. Attend the daily scrum whenever possible to understand progress and see if the team needs help. But avoid interfering with the team's self-organization.
  5. Maintain a steady pace.
    It's important to limit the amount of work per sprint to the team's capacity and capability in order to create a sustainable pace. It's better to be reliable than to have false ambition and risk burnout.
  6. Discuss impediments in the Daily Scrum.
    The Scrum Master should ensure that any impediments that arise are resolved as quickly as possible. Encourage the team to bring up any issues during the daily scrum so that they can be addressed and resolved in a timely manner.
  7. Update the sprint backlog.
    Update the sprint backlog at least once a day, adding or removing activities as needed.


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