Utilize the Notsorry method to eliminate sources of stress and distractions


  1. Identify your "mental clutter.
    This includes anything that's taking up space in your mind and causing you stress or anxiety. This could be negative self-talk, worries about the future, regrets about the past, or anything else that's weighing you down. List all this clutter down.
  2. List down your "must-haves."
    List down the things that are most important to you - your core values, your non-negotiables, and the things that make you happiest. This can help you prioritize your time and energy and focus on what truly matters.
  3. Get rid of what's not serving you.
    This means eliminating anything from your life - whether it's a habit, a relationship, a possession, or a thought pattern - that's not aligned with your "must-haves." This can be tough, but it's necessary in order to make room for what you truly want.
  4. Replace what you've gotten rid of with positive, productive activities.
    Once you've eliminated what's not serving you, it's important to replace it with something positive. This could be a new habit, a new relationship, a new hobby, or anything else that brings you joy and helps you achieve your goals.
  5. Repeat as necessary. The Notsorry Method is an ongoing process, not a one-time fix. As you move forward in your life, it's important to continue evaluating your life and the sources of your stress and making room for what you truly want.


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