Go on a slow-carb diet to lose fat


  1. Avoid eating white carbs.
    White carbs like rice, bread, pasta, potatoes, and cereal are only allowed 30 minutes after resistance training.

  2. Repeat meals and schedule the same time for your meals.
    Pick a few meals (combine proteins, legumes, and vegetables) and eat them constantly. Eat your protein-rich breakfast the first hour after you wake up, and take a four-hour break between other meals during the day. Have a cheat day once a week.

  3. Don’t drink calories.
    Don’t drink juices or milk. Instead, drink water, coffee, tea, or other low-calorie beverages. Dry wines are also allowed.

  4. Consider potassium, calcium, and magnesium supplementation.
    Use enriched potassium salt, avocado, guacamole, or in 99mg pill to get potassium. Eat magnesium and calcium-rich food or supplement them through tablets.

  5. Use cold for weight loss.
    Drink half at least 500 ml of ice water when you wake up, take cold showers for 5 to 10 minutes, or put ice packs on the back of your neck for 20 minutes each morning. You can combine these practices.

  6. Take care of your glucose level.
    Eat slowly for at least 30 minutes long, consume a lot of unsaturated fat, and include cinnamon and lemon juice in our meals.


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