Get through the toughest seasons


  1. Be honest with your feelings.
    When you admit that you are sad, depressed or disappointed because of your current season, you can easily seek solutions and help.

  2. Love yourself.
    Loving yourself is the most powerful mantra for living in a bad season.

  3. Ask yourself the magic question and do that one right thing that can make your life easier later.
    For example, if you’re experiencing a bad season because of a sudden weight gain that affects your confidence level, ask yourself what you could do to shed this extra weight and indulge in the one process you think can be effective.

  4. Start solving the problem one step at a time.
    Your small wins will motivate you to keep going.

  5. Learn from your circumstances.
    Pick up all the lessons you have learned from your challenges and resolve to do better going forward.


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