Exercise your consciousness every day


  1. Practice mindfulness in daily life
    Every morning, give yourself at least 15 minutes every day to be still: do absolutely nothing during this period and simply be in the present moment. Then, carry this awareness of the present moment with you throughout the day.

  2. Manage your energy with a No Distraction Zone
    Use this zone to relax: take a nap, go for a walk, meditate, etc. Put your phone on airplane mode and let those around you know not to distract you during this period.

  3. Process and regulate your emotions with your breathing
    You can’t escape feeling negative emotions. However, these feelings won’t last forever. Acknowledge and embrace them, but don’t let them be a distraction. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, try a breathing exercise: sit up straight, breathe in for four seconds, then breathe out for another four seconds.

  4. Spend some time around nature
    Go for a scenic holiday, participate in an event that celebrates nature, grow some herbs on your windowsill, or take a 15-minute walk every day.

  5. Forgive those who have wronged you
    Remove all reminders and triggers of that experience. Whenever you catch yourself thinking about it, redirect your mind to the present moment instead. With time, the pain will lessen as you forget the emotional intensity of the incident.

  6. Practice humility and awareness of yourself
    Be kind and thankful towards both yourself and others. Ask for help when you need it, and respect the other person’s expertise. Take full responsibility for yourself by keeping promises, honoring commitments, and admitting your mistakes.


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