Eliminate objections to closing the deal


  1. Utilize a simple language pattern to deflect an initial objection.
    Say “I hear what you’re saying” in a reasonable person’s tone, then follow up by saying, “Let me ask you a question: Does the idea make sense to you? Do you like the idea? with a money-aside tone. Finally, gauge the approximate level of certainty in the prospect from their reply regarding you, your product, and your company.

  2. If your prospect’s logical certainty level falls between 3-9, deliver a compelling follow-up presentation.

  3. Transition into the presentation by saying, “Exactly, it really is a great buy! In fact, one of the true beauties here is..”
    2. Highlight powerful benefits and deliver coherent assertions in your presentation to establish an airtight logical case for the prospect.
    3. Apply the ‘pace, pace, lead’ technique to match the tone of your prospect’s answers across the presentation.
    Build certainty about you, your product, and your company, enabling you to pace, pace, and lead them in the direction you want them to go. If your prospect answers in an ambivalent tone (around a 6), match and raise this a little to a 6.3 in terms of your tone.
    4. Check-in with your prospect to see if their levels of certainty are increasing:
    “You see what I’m saying here, [state the prospect’s name]? Do you like the idea?”

  4. Boost the prospect’s emotional certainty by addressing the lack of trust.
    a) Say, “Exactly! It really is a great buy!” pause briefly, and state, “Now, [prospect’s name], let me ask you another question.” with a mystery/intrigue tone.
    b) Switch to a money-aside tone. “If I’d been your supplier for the last three or four years, making you money consistently.”
    c) Now switch to an implied obviousness tone  —“then you probably wouldn’t be saying, ‘Let me think about it right now, [prospect’s first name]. You’d be saying, ‘Put me down for 500 units.’ ”
    d) Finally, switch to the reasonable person tone and add, “Am I right?”

  5. Reintroduce yourself to increase trust levels further.
    Tell the prospect about yourself. Prepare and practice a speech about yourself, what you stand for and how you can be an asset in the long term.

  6. Boost trust and connection between the prospect and your company.
    State: “And as far as my company goes….” Prepare and practice ahead by writing out the best possible version of your company on both a logical and emotional basis.


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