Draw on your history to write about your family


  1. Decide on what aspect of your family to write about.
    Families can be complex, especially when you trace them back several generations, so focus on one or two aspects.

  2. Choose your setting.
    Do you want to narrate your family history from the perspective of a 10-year-old? Or, would you rather narrate it as the 40 years old adult you are right now?

  3. Write your story as you remember it.
    Say what you remember freely and honestly, but don’t use it as an avenue to air out your grievances against family members you don’t get along with.

  4. Be the protagonist in your family memoir.
    Focus on telling your story without relinquishing control, even though it's about your family members. For example, instead of narrating how your granddad survived the holocaust, you could focus on your search for your grandfather’s past. Remember, you can’t explain someone else’s experiences.

  5. Focus more on the significance of the story.
    Tell your readers how a situation affected you and shaped the person you became.

  6. Write in episodes.
    Write different episodes of your story daily, before choosing the parts that are worth pursuing and expanding.


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