Develop a vision rooted in core principles


  1. Appeal to an eternal sense of justice
    You can only truly believe in something if it appeals to what you know to be “good”. Your vision and principles should highlight how your organization is doing good and leaving a positive impact.

  2. Specify how others can contribute
    For example, the American Declaration of Independence states that all men are created equal and have unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. How will the members of your organization contribute towards realizing your vision?

  3. Write your vision and principles down
    This document will be a guiding force. Use your principles to narrate your vision.

  4. Embed this vision in reality
    For example, if you consider teamwork a core principle, you could use an open-concept office space and encourage your team to work collaboratively.

  5. Promote this as a shared company culture
    Cultures are what bind large groups of people together and set the tone for all interactions.


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