Develop a successful personality


  1. Develop a sense of direction in your life
    Find a project or cause that’s worth working toward, whether it’s a professional or personal goal. In every situation, decide what you want out of it so that there’s no room for uncertainty. You can also have impersonal causes that you identify yourself with, for example, charitable causes.

  2. Seek a higher level of understanding when communicating with others
    If someone says something that sounds offensive, give them the benefit of doubt and ask them what they meant before getting angry. If someone reacts to something you’ve said negatively, ask yourself “How have they interpreted my words?” Talk to them to figure out why they are acting that way to resolve the misunderstanding. Focus on facts rather than opinions and choose to see the truth when someone calls you out for your mistakes.

  3. Have the courage to act and turn your goals into reality
    Take a bet on yourself and your ideas by taking steps to achieve your goals. Start by taking small risks every day to build up courage for more important challenges in the future. Every day, dare to risk making mistakes, failing, and even getting humiliated. Keep moving forward and course correct when necessary.

  4. Practice compassion for others
    Appreciate others by honoring their uniqueness as creative beings, When engaging with someone, take the time to think about their feelings, desires, and viewpoints. Act as if other people have value and treat them with respect.

  5. Enhance your self-esteem
    Appreciate your value and worth by setting boundaries and respecting your talents.  See yourself as a person who has a purpose to help move humanity forward in whatever small way you can. Avoid dramatizing yourself as a victim and an object of pity.

  6. Gradually build your self-confidence
    Start by seeking small wins that act as a stepping-stone for greater success.  If you’re not good at something, keep practicing and learning to minimize errors. You can also visualize past successes as you focus on how you felt in those moments. Then take those feelings of success and use them to create success in your present situation. Also, learn from your mistakes and move on instead of dwelling on the failures of the past.

  7. Accept yourself as you are
    Be yourself by embracing all your positive and negative aspects. Instead of identifying yourself with your mistakes, realize that your weaknesses belong to you—they don’t define you. Learn to tolerate your imperfections and differentiate yourself from your behavior. You may have acted a certain way but that doesn’t mean it represents who you are.


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