Incorporate the strategies for making a lasting impact


  1. Use a friendly note when reaching out to people.
    When beginning a conversation digitally—whether it's an email, text, or social media comment—use positive language and, when appropriate, emoticons. This sets a friendly and engaging tone right from the start. For instance, you might start an email with "I hope you're having a great day!" or a text with "Hello there!".
  2. Use people’s names in all your digital communications.
    Always include the recipient's name in your digital communications, such as emails and text messages. Addressing someone by their name not only personalizes your message but also shows respect and attention to detail. Start your emails with "Hello [Name]," and ensure you spell their name correctly.
  3. Initiate conversations by asking about the other person's interests and passions. When trying to start a conversation, it would be great to ask something that is related to another person's interests. This shows that you remember and care about what is important to them. You could say, "I remember you mentioned you enjoy hiking. Have you explored any new trails lately?" or "How's the project you were working on progressing?"
  4. Ask thoughtful, open-ended questions about other people's interests during conversations.
    During conversations, make it a point to ask open-ended questions that encourage others to talk about their interests and passions. This practice shows that you value their thoughts and experiences, which fosters a deeper connection. For example, you can ask questions like, "What inspired you to start this hobby?" or "What do you find most rewarding about your work?" to engage more meaningfully with them.
  5. Summarize and reflect back what you've heard to show you're actively listening to them.
    Active listening is key to effective communication. Whenever you are conversing, focus fully on the speaker, understand their message, and then reflect back what they’ve said to confirm your understanding. For example, you might say, "So, you're saying that..." or "It sounds like you feel...". This way, you show that you value their input and also clarify potential misunderstandings immediately.
  6. Always look for opportunities to perform small acts of kindness in your daily interactions.
    Incorporate small acts of kindness into your daily interactions, such as holding the door for someone, offering a sincere compliment, or giving someone your undivided attention. These gestures, while small, can significantly enhance someone’s day and alter their perception of you.


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