Create your Personal Manifesto


  1. Identify the top three most important tasks you need to do each day.
    Listing down these tasks can be best done at the end of each day. This way, you’ll have a clear picture of the important things you’ll work on for tomorrow.

  2. Write five requirements – things you must do each day to get tasks done.
    Make clear statements about what you must do. You may not always adhere to this rule, but it clarifies what you have to do each day to achieve your goals. For example, read at least 30 pages a day or complete at least four hours of work before lunch.

  3. Write five things you want to limit each day to get tasks done.
    Make clear statements to limit distraction and temptation – such as not spending more than one hour on Facebook per day.

  4. Place your Personal Manifesto (requirements and limitations) in a visible area.
    When you set out to accomplish something, you have rules in place to make yourself follow through on the project.

  5. Review and improve your Personal Manifesto every three months.
    Evaluate whether it is helping you progress toward your goals. If not, tweak it so it does.


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