Create a structured nighttime routine


  1. Determine bedtime and work time.
    Determine what time you will go to bed without fail and a time when you will not continue working.

  2. Have a 5 min brain dump.
    Once you’re about to finish work for the day, take the time to write down everything on your mind on paper. Then leave the sheet for tomorrow. This will help you clear your mind about family time, other activities, etc.

  3. Follow the 10-3-2-1-0 Goodnight Formula.
    This can be applied by not drinking caffeine ten hours before bed, not consuming foods or alcoholic drinks three hours before bed, not working on anything work-related two hours before bed, shutting off devices one hour before bed, and finally clicking the snooze button zero times!

  4. Organize your to-do list at night.
    Put your priority task first thing in the morning and batch your tasks to morning routines already established, such as getting dressed or making breakfast.


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